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A comprehensive guide for those interested in making contributions or supporting the development of Luna.

Warning: This documentation is still a work in progress

Development Setup Instructions

Follow the instructions below to install the latest version of Luna and setup a development environment.

Development Installation

Developers interested in using the newest features of Luna, or are actively contributing to Luna should install the latest version available via:

git clone

The Makefile has a number of relevant targets. (Note: GNU Make 3.82 or higher is required.)

See all targets:

make help

Install virtual environment:

make venv

OR use to setup your python paths and LUNA_HOME config:

source ./


If the install process hangs on installing packages with poetry, you may have to clear out your cache.

On MacOS:

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/cache/*

On Linux:

rm -rf ~/.cache/pypoetry/*

Development with Docker

Build docker image:

make build-docker

The docker image is also available on DockerHub: luna.

This docker image includes the pre-requisites and python dependencies.

Once we have a stable release, docker images that includes pyluna packages can be made available.

Documentation Generation

Documentation in Luna is generated via mkdocs. See the mkdocs.yml file for specific configuration details. Note that the awesome-pages plugin is installed and navigation is specified in .pages files.

Docstrings are written according to the Google Python Style Guide.

In order to generate the documentation:

# generate docs
make build-docs

# serve docs locally
make serve-docs

When a branch is pushed to master, the documents are built and deployed to the github pages site via Github Actions.

Technical Architecture

Here we provide an overview of the Luna technical architecture and design methodologies.


Here are some links to useful developer resources: